Curated Contained Datasets

Open data curated by humans brings back trust to information.

Curated Contained Datasets refer to collections of data that have been specifically selected, organized, and possibly modified by individuals within the community. These datasets are "contained" because they reside within a designated space on the platform, separate from external resources.

Public Datasets are openly available for anyone to access and utilize on Once a user decides to make their dataset public, others can view and engage with its contents. However, since Citizenlab does not guarantee confidentiality for public data, users need to exercise caution while handling sensitive materials. Private Datasets, on the other hand, remain visible only to their creators unless explicitly shared with specific individuals or groups. This ensures privacy and control over the dissemination of sensitive information.

Users can upload their own datasets and determine whether they should be public or private. By doing so, they contribute valuable resources that others can leverage for research, analysis, or simply gaining insights into specific topics. Additionally, users can engage with both Public and Private Datasets through chats, fostering discussions and facilitating collaborations among members of the community. This unique feature allows for seamless interaction between humans and AI while ensuring proper handling and protection of each individual's data preferences.

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